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Vista of Ayurveda von Dr. M. Sashidharan, Englisch.
Farbumschlag, 36 Seiten
Dr. Shasidharan, Professor Ayurveda/Toxikologie, Kerala, stimmt oft mit den in Europa verbreiteten Erklärungen nicht überein. Hier sind seine Beschreibungen, die das Kerala-Ayurveda widerspiegeln, kurz und bündig zusammengefasst. In englischer Sprache!
dr.m.k.sasidharan born february 1952. Graduated with bachelor of ayurvedic medicine (B.A.M) from the University of kerala and registeres as an A class medical practiotioner in the travancore cochin medical council in 1978. Passed the two-year postgraduate diploma in ayurvedic toxicology (D.A.T) from the Government of Kerala with distinction and first rank. Passed the three months full time post graduate certificate course in naturopathy (c.n.t) conducted by the Government of Kerala. Passed the three year full time post graduate degree in ayurveda kayachikitsa including panchakarma (M.D Ay)) from the university of kerala. Entered in to the kerala government service as a teacher in Government Ayurveda College at trivandrum, affiliated to the university of kerala in 1983. Worked at different levels in all ayurveda colleges under Government of kerala in the State. Workes many years as the head of the Government Panchakarma Hospital at trivandrum and still continuing as such. Also working in charge the Head of the department and Professor of Agadatantra in Government ayurveda college, trivandrum. Attended many seminars and workshops on ayurveda and naturopathy in europe. Workes as examiner to many universities in and outside kerala. Acted as the chairman of board of examiners in the University of kerala and chairman of experts to the kerala public service commission selection tests.
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